最終更新日:2013-04-04 17:45:34.0
Luminance ColorMeter ColoSuke-SA
基本情報Luminance ColorMeter ColoSuke-SA
To be! Color brightness measurements of a single device
ColoSuke-SAis composed by sensor module and operation terminal. Itis small enough to fit in your hand and can be measured quickly with simple operation. Interface between the sensor and the terminal is USB cable,power supply is AA battery. Therefore very useful for using on laboratory or production floor.
There are two types of sensor modules. Luminance (cd/m2) type and Illuminance (lux) type. Each types can be measured chromaticity (x, y) and color temperature (K) in addition to luminance and illuminance.
Luminance ColorMeter ColoSuke-SA
ColoSuke-SAis composed by sensor module and operation terminal. Itis small enough to fit in your hand and can be measured quickly with simple operation. Interface between the sensor and the terminal is USB cable,power supply is AA battery. Therefore very useful for using on laboratory or production floor.
There are two types of sensor modules. Luminance (cd/m2) type and Illuminance (lux) type. Each types can be measured chromaticity (x, y) and color temperature (K) in addition to luminance and illuminance. (詳細を見る)
取扱会社 Luminance ColorMeter ColoSuke-SA
弊社は部品レベルから装置まで幅広く販売しておりますので、お客様のニーズやご予算に応じた販売を可能としております。 部品というのは、勿論分光器や分光装置をご購入後のメンテナンスやグレードアップを目的とした話でも必要最低限なものとなってきますので、どんな小さなコネクタやケーブル等弊社としても大事な商品の一つとして随時ストックしております。それにより、光検出プローブの製作等も低価格でお受けしております。 光に関連する装置・部品に関しましては、営業・技術スタッフが丁寧にきめ細かくサポートしておりますので、お気軽にご相談下さい。
Luminance ColorMeter ColoSuke-SAへのお問い合わせ