掲載開始日:2023-11-15 00:00:00.0
Counterfeit currency detector for a foreign currency exchange, supporting the demand of inbound foreign tourists
- Cuttingedge Counterfeit banknotes detector
Fully-automated machine equipped with the highest grade of authenticity identification for multi-currency banknotes.It is capable of identifying US dollars, euros, and Japanese yen as standard, and other banknotes such as Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, and British pound can be added as an option.
The speed is 0.6 seconds per bill.Warning buzzer sounds and an LCD error message is displayed.
The total number of bills, total amount, number of bills by denomination, and amount by denomination can be checked
Counterfeit banknotes detector
Counterfeit currency detector for a foreign currency exchange
The EXC-6700 is a world-recognized top-class device equipped with a unique identification algorithm and capable of high-speed, automatic identification of highly accurate counterfeits that are complet…
1.紙おむつ、医療廃棄物滅菌減量乾燥処理装置、2.プラスチック等有機ごみ磁力熱分解処理装置、3. 水分の多い食品廃棄物等滅菌減量乾燥装置、4. ポータブルバッテリー電源、5.HDD物理破壊装置、6.SSDシュレッダー、7.SSD物理破壊装置、8.サイバー攻撃対応ツールApp Guard、9.マイナンバーカード、運転免許証、外国人在留カード偽造判定本人確認装置、10. ICカードプリンタ、11.キャラメルセロファンラッピング包装機
Counterfeit currency detector for a foreign currency exchange, supporting the demand of inbound foreign touristsへのお問い合わせ
- 2024-11-16 00:00:00.0
- 日之出水道機器株式会社 メカニカルスティッチ部
- 2024-11-15 00:00:00.0
- 株式会社フクダ
- 2024-11-15 00:00:00.0
- 株式会社Earth Power 本社
- 2024-11-15 00:00:00.0
- 日之出水道機器株式会社 メカニカルスティッチ部
- 2024-11-15 00:00:00.0
- 日之出水道機器株式会社 メカニカルスティッチ部